Youtility Modern Slavery Policy

This policy is Youtility’s Modern Slavery Policy and sets out our position in relation to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.  This document sets out the actions that Youtility has taken and is continuing to take, to make sure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or our supply chain. This policy was updated and released in November 2023 for the financial year from November 2023 to October 2024.


Youtility continues to monitor our processes and procedures to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chains or in any part of our business and this policy sets out how we monitor and operate our business activities to prevent Modern Slavery. 

Youtility provides consumers with subscription management services focused on helping to make subscription management simple for consumers. Our service integrates with existing service providers and commercial partners who offer services to their consumers. 

We conduct our business fairly, ethically and with respect to fundamental human rights. We are committed to the prevention of all forms of Modern Slavery, both in our business and in our supply chains. 

Our Commitment

Youtility is committed to ensuring there is no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory human labour, abuse of power over vulnerable individuals, human trafficking or any other form of exploitation as contemplated by the Modern Slavery Act 2015 within our business or our supply chains.

Modern Slavery Overview

Slavery, forced labour, servitude, and human trafficking are types of ‘Modern Slavery’, criminal activity that deprives victims of their liberty and usually involves financial and other exploitation.

Prevention of Modern Slavery in our Business 

We carry out appropriate checks on all employees, recruitment agencies and suppliers, so that we know who is working for us or on our behalf. 

We provide every employee a written employment contract, and he or she is paid in accordance with the law. We comply with our legal obligations to ensure the health and safety of all of our employees and workers, including in relation to working hours, rest breaks and holidays. 

All employees are required to sign a copy of this policy to show they have read and understood it.  

If you are an Employee or a Worker providing services for us

You must immediately report any suspicions of Modern Slavery in our business or supply chains to our Head of Compliance or CEO. Our Head of Compliance will investigate and report to our CEO and Board of Directors within a reasonable time, on actions which may require to be taken. If an investigation takes longer than two weeks then updates will be provided.

If you are an employee, this policy does not form part of your employment contract, although we may update this policy at any time. Your employment contract will refer to this Policy.

You will not suffer any detrimental treatment as a result of reporting any genuine concerns, raised in good faith, under this policy. This applies, even if after investigation, they are found to be mistaken.  If you believe that you have suffered any such treatment, you should immediately tell our Head of Compliance or CEO and, if you are an employee, refer to our Grievance and Whistleblowing Policies.


We currently have no training for staff on Modern Slavery. Those involved in contractual negotiations with suppliers are aware of the legislation and the standards we have set for our supply chain. 

Supplier Requirements

Our main focus and sphere of influence is over our supply chains. These include consultants that we work with, suppliers of IT services, and other ancillary services as well as the supply of services offered through to our customers, the consumer.  

All suppliers we consider are assessed for compliance with this Modern Slavery Policy. We have a zero policy approach with all suppliers to modern slavery.  All suppliers must read our policy and ensure compliance. In 2024 we added a Modern Slavery clause within our supplier agreements for all future agreements to support compliance. 

Non Compliance/Issues

In the year ending 2023 we had no reported incidents. 

Sign Off

This Policy is declared as valid and approved by the CEO and whilst preparation is voluntary it supports the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and our principles of an ethical business. 

Additional Policies

In addition to this Policy please refer to our internal policies as well as Grievances and Whistleblower Policies.